
左手ベース コード パターン・マスター教本 第1巻 The Mighty Accordion vol.1  スタンダードベース オンラインオーディオ



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The Mighty Accordion
The Complete Guide to Mastering Left-Hand Bass/Chord Patterns
著者:David DiGiuseppe
ページ数:112ページ、 オンラインオーディオ


通常の「メジャー / マイナー / セブンス / ディミニッシュ コード」だけでなく、ベースとコードボタンの組み合わせによって奏でられる 様々なコードが体系的にマスターできます。

A Note From the Author
What This Book Offers
Who Should Use This Book
How To Use This Book
About the Audio
About the Author
Music Notation 101

Staves and Notes
The Treble and Bass Clefs
Time Values
Time Signature

Chapter 1. The Keyboard 鍵盤とベースボタン
Notes on the Keyboard
The Bass System
Stradella and Free Bass Systems
Stradella Bass Layout
12 Bass Accordions
The Accordion's Bass Notation
Fourth Finger on Root Method
Third Finger on Root Method
Left Hand Placement
Basic Music Theory
Sharps, Flats and Natural Signs
Half Step and Whole Step Intervals
Key Signatures

Chapter 2. Getting Started はじめに
Introducing C
Introducing G
Playing C and G
Introducing F
Playing F and C
Playing F, C and G
Basic Music Theory
Congruous Chords and Longer Leaps
Introducing D 26
Playing F, C, G and D
Introducing A
Playing F, C, G, D and A
Basic Music Theory
Triads and Chords

Chapter 3. Alternating Bass Patterns 交互ベースパターン
Introducing the Alternate Bass
Introducing Bb
Introducing Eb
Introducing E
More Fun with Alternating Basses
Alternate Bass Exercises
Basic Music Theory

Chapter 4. Minor Chords マイナー コード
Introducing the Minor Chord
The Minor Chord with Alternating Bass
More Fun with Minor Chords
Minor Chord Challenges

Chapter 5. Seventh Chords セブンス コード
Introducing the Seventh Chord
The Seventh Chord with Alternating Bass
Basic Music Theory
Seventh Chords

Chapter 6. The Counter Bass カウンター ベース(対位ベース)
Introducing the Counter Bass
Linear Bass Lines
Using the Fifth Finger
Playing the Third with a Minor Chord
An Alternative Fingering
Linear Bass Lines with Minor Chords

Chapter 7. Diminished Chords ディミニッシュ コード
Introducing the Diminished Chord
The Diminished Chord with Alternating Bass
The Diminished Chord with Linear Bass Lines
The Diminished Chord with the Sixth
Basic Music Theory
Diminished Chords
The Half Diminished Chord
Advanced Techniques – Chord Combinations

Chapter 8. Dominant, Major and Minor Seven Chords ドミナント・コード , メジャー / マイナーセブンス コード
One Button—Three Notes
Notating Chord Combinations
The Full Dominant Seven Chord
The Minor Seven Chord
The Major Seven Chord
Basic Music Theory
Chord Nomenclature

Chapter 9, The m7(b5) - 7(b9) Progression ハーフディミニッシュ - セブンスフラットナインス
The 7(b9) Chord
The m7(b5) Chord
Special Note-The m7(b5) and m6 Chords

Chapter 10. The Major and Minor Six Chords メジャー・シックス・コードとマイナー・シックス
Introducing the Major Six Chord
Introducing the Minor Six Chord

Chapter 11. Major, Dominant and Minor Nine Chords メジャー、ドミナント、マイナー ナインス コード
Introducing the Major Nine Chord
The Dominant Nine Chord
The Minor Nine Chord

Chapter 12. The Leftovers そのほか
The Augmented Triad
The Six/Nine Chord
The Minor Major Seven Chord
The Suspended Four Chord